Gateway Perspective

Gateways serve a variety of purposes. In addition to calming traffic on the revamped Bell Boulevard, an iconic gateway will both welcome visitors and residents to Downtown Cedar Park, and foster a sense of civic place and identity.

Shopping Street Perspective

The new shopping street will be the hub of Bell Boulevard. Envisioned as the major regional attraction, the new shopping street will act as a community main street hosting events, adorned with art and create a comfortable and welcoming atmosphere.

Bridge View Perspective

The future bridge will connect across the existing natural area to link the Buttercup Creek Natural Area to the new Destination Bell Boulevard. Patrons will be able to interact with nature while strolling under the new bridge.

Park Entry Perspective

The park entry occurs at the terminus of the shopping street and the beginning of the nature trail. This position provides for a unique chance to introduce natural context into a more urbanized streetscape.

Trail Perspective

The Cedar Park Nature Trail will connect downtown Cedar Park with Buttercup Creek Natural Area and give users a chance to interact with the native Hill Country ecosystem. Twelve acres have been dedicated as undisturbed natural area and trails, which constitutes 14 percent of the total development footprint.

Block Size Metrics

Block size is a critical determinant of a community’s pedestrian accessibility, commercial activity and adaptability for future development. This plan achieves a 550’ block length - an improvement from the existing 1900’ length.

Land Uses/Mix of Uses Graphic

A community made up of a mix of uses and functions will serve the needs of a range of user, and ensure that the private and public realms are active all times of the day.

Mobility Metrics Graphic

The mobility metrics graphic highlights the existing conditions versus future mobility for vehicular traffic along Bell Boulevard.

Connected Development Metric

A connected neighborhood fabric contributes to walkability, activating a community’s civic and commercial spaces and promoting an interactive, urban experience. While there are currently zero acres of connected development on the site, the Picket alternative links 40 acres of mixed use development.

Bird’s Eye Perspective

By juxtaposing vast areas of natural space with a compact mix of retail, residential, office, and civic uses, the proposed development establishes a distinctive destination with reaching appeal.

Bell Boulevard Section

Replacing Bell Boulevard’s center turning lane with a planted median will beautify the streetscape and signify a unique district.

Shopping Street Section

Broad, tree-lined sidewalks on the shopping street extend commercial and retail areas out into the public realm.

Internal Street Section

Narrower internal streets slow vehicular traffic and foster pedestrian activity.

External Street and Park Section

A street with traffic-calming angled parking helps transition from the busier, more developed spaces to the open park space on the community’s western edges.