
Our Team

We are problem-solvers, leading clients through changing economic and environmental conditions. We are researchers, analyzing data and testing theories. We are inventors, discovering the latest “light bulb” moments. And we are collaborators, tackling heady problems, thinking freely, and dreaming big. Through all this, as we take on new, complex challenges, our conviction to performance-based design remains constant.


Allie Austin

Laura Bachinsky

Mo Bachtiar

Caroline Barron

Kayla Baynard

Josh Braden

Ashton Breeding

Taylor Broom

Emily Burrowes

Austin Carbo

Emily Carpenter

Rodrigo Carrillo

Faith Charles

Chun Chen

Shaoyu Chen

Gary Clarke

Morgan Clutter

Joshua Crawford

Kevin Corrigan

Bryan Cueva

Samuel Daniel

Catherine DeSilva

Corey Dodd

Sally Doyle

Elizabeth Farin

Rachel Freehling

Junhong Fu

Neo Geng

Ketaki Ghodke

Ishita Ghosh

Nina Groos

Samata Gyawali

Amanda Holland

Brent Hood

Samantha Hotton-Chesnutt

Brandon Huttenlocher

Shun Ishimine

Nora Jacobs

Soyoung Jin

Kelsey Jones

Clare Kavanagh

Craig Klomp

Sarah Konradi

Rex Koo

Jacob Krafft

Jamie Laverty

Helen Lea

Xinyu Li

Yan Li

Yueming Lin

Annie Liu

Michelle Loza

Addison Martin

Kristin Martinez

Sasha Mathieu

Brad Menefee

Maya Neal

Runo Okotie

Brenda Palacios Rodriguez

Samantha Panger

Kristine Paterno

Jessica Perreault

Luke Peterson

Jennifer Pintar

Emily Pixberg

Alexandra Polluck

Julia Prince

Nurain Rafee

Nicole Rietveld

Marti Roca Busacker

Julia Salas

Peter Samuels

Karin Schneider

Caroline Schoeller

Yiran Shen

Ryley Siclair

Leah Stoltz

Zach Thomas

Jason Toussaint

Alex Weber

Christian Weber

Nicholas Wester

Kristin Witte

Ariel Wright

RaeLee Yancey

Alex Zarookian

Jianing Zhao

Xiang Zhao

Urey Zhuang

Luyu Zeng

Jiahua Zou