Regional/Urban Planning

NDOT Landscape + Aesthetics Corridor Plans


A new standard for environmentally sensitive highway corridor design

Recognizing the impacts of rapid population growth and its impact on highway construction, Design Workshop and UNLV worked with NDOT to expand its traditional view of highway systems as mere vehicle conduits to recognizing that highways are integral to the aesthetic infrastructure of the state. This comprehensive approach set a new standard for evidence-based planning, design, and management of a statewide highway system. Unprecedented in scope, the Landscape and Aesthetics Corridor Plans have motivated the Nevada state transportation organization to restructure their perspective on aesthetic as well as functional concerns and evolve a new design process and purpose in transportation planning.

Services Provided: Design Guidelines, Land Planning, Facilitation


  • Merit Award for Planning and Urban Design, ASLA Colorado
  • Award of Excellence, ASLA California Sierra
  • Honor Award for Research and Unbuilt, ASLA California Sierra
  • Project of the Year, ASLA Nevada
  • Honor Award for Analysis and Planning, ASLA Nevada


Nevada Department of Transportation


UNLV, PLACES, JWZunino, Sand County Studios, MacKay & Somps, Jones & Jones, CH2M Hill