Regional/Urban Planning

South Grand Boulevard Great Streets

St. Louis, Missouri

Bringing a Midwest historic district with international flair back to life as a Great Street

Selected as one of four Great Streets Initiative pilot projects in 2009, the South Grand redevelopment transformed a six-block corridor into a vibrant destination, improving the pedestrian experience, enhancing safety and providing opportunities for continued economic development. The streetscape enhancement project featured extensive community involvement. The designers analyzed these options using 40 metrics that addressed environmental, social, economic and aesthetic considerations. The final boulevard design enhances walkability, incorporates innovative stormwater management and creates a memorable public realm which builds on the character of the community.

Services Provided: Urban Design, Landscape Architecture, Community Engagement


  • Honor Award in Analysis & Planning, ASLA National
  • Great Place in America Designation, APA National
  • Great Places in Missouri Award, APA Missouri
  • Honor Award for Planning & Analysis, ASLA Central States
  • Best Public Works Project, Riverfront Times
  • CSI Case Study, Landscape Performance Series, Landscape Architecture Foundation


East-West Gateway Council of Governments


Nelson Nygaard Consulting Associates, TND Engineering, Horner and Shifrin, Inc., RCLCO, Hudson and Associates, LLC, Austin Tao and Associates, Via Partnership, LLP, Urban Trees + Soils, Kowelman Engineering, Bruce Ferguson