Denver, Colorado
Fronting the Platte River in downtown Denver, Riverfront Park has transformed 60-acres of contaminated rail yards and industrial lands into one of the nation’s premier urban neighborhoods, reconnecting the city to its river. In the 20 years since its inception, Riverfront Park has brought nearly $3.8B in economic impacts including over $700M in assessed property taxes for the City, helping it and the city grow sustainably. Riverfront is investing in social equity programs, including a provision that ten percent of total residential units are deed restricted. This creates more attainable housing for lower wager-earners.
Among Riverfront’s many awards is the prestigious ULI Award of Excellence in the Americas, received in 2011 for being a sustainable and inclusive urban community.
Services Provided: Master Planning, Entitlements, Design Guidelines, Landscape Architecture, Permitting, Construction Observation
Trillium Corporation, East West Partners, Platte Valley Metro District #3